The Homeowners Association has prepared this booklet to assist residents with architectural enforcement policies and procedures, and other rules of the community. We hope you will find it helpful, and will refer to it when you have a question or want to submit a request for architectural approval.
Suggestions, concerns, or questions on items which need clarification, should be directed to the Management Company. The Management Company will forward questions or Issues to the Executive Board if they are unable to answer the questions directly. The present address and phone number of the Management Company is:
Management & Maintenance, Inc.
2130 South Valentia Street
Denver, CO 80231
Phone (303) 755‑2732 Fax (303)755‑4509
The above referenced documents govern the Executive Board. The duties and powers given to the Board, and to the members, are described in these legal documents, and may be more restrictive than this summary. In the event of any conflict between information supplied herein and the governing documents, the governing documents will apply. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Management Company BEFORE you act.
Cambridge Farm Association is a not‑for‑profit Colorado corporation formed for the purpose of maintaining certain properties which benefit members of the association. Anyone who purchases a home in Cambridge Farm Association is a mandatory member of the Association and agrees to abide by the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of the Association.
The Association is governed by an Executive Board of three or more elected persons who have the responsibility to manage the financial affairs of the Association, appoint committees, hire contractors and/or a property management film, and enforce covenants, rules, and regulations.
The members of the Executive Board must be property owners in Cambridge Farm and are elected annually by the members of the Association.
Basis of Guidelines. These Design Guidelines are intended to assist homeowners in Cambridge Farm Association in making improvements to their property, and to list the rules and regulations adopted for the community. THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS FOR CAMBRIDGE FARM ASSOCIATION REQUIRES PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE ARCHITECTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE BEFORE ANY "IMPROVEMENTS" ARE INSTALLED. "Improvements" are very broadly defined in the Declaration and include such items as landscaping, change of grade, accessory buildings, fencing, patios, decks, pools, hot tubs, recreational equipment, pet enclosures, paint colors, or any other exterior changes to your home. This booklet contains guidelines and "pre‑approved" designs for several types of improvements.
Architectural Advisory Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "AAC"). The AAC currently consists of five homeowner members.
A spirit of cooperation between the AAC and the members of the Association will go far in creating a harmonious environment to benefit all homeowners and will help protect property values and standards in the community. If questions arise as to the interpretation of terms, phrases, or language contained in these guidelines, the AAC interpretations shall prevail. Requests are reviewed on a case‑by‑case basis. The Architectural Advisory Committee specifically reserves the right to approve or disapprove any request based on the individual circumstances of the submission.
Procedures for Submission:
I. Requests for approval should be mailed or faxed to the Management Company by the third Monday of each month. The committee meets the 3rd Thursday of each month on an as‑needed basis. A form is included in this booklet for your use in submitting items.
2. Information submitted to the AAC will be retained in the permanent files of the Association and will not be returned to the submitter.
3. Plans and specifications should be detailed and described accurately as to colors, materials dimensions, and placement on the property. See Submittal Policies Below.
4. AAC has 30 calendar days in which to review submissions and respond to you in writing. Responses will fall into four categories: approval, approval with conditions, denial, requests for additional information.
5. If a request is denied, the owner may appeal the decision of the AAC to the Executive Board.
Submittal Policies
All items requiring AAC approval shall meet the following guidelines for submittal:
• Exhibits. The AAC requires clear and concise information from which to make reasonable decisions. This information may be in the form of detailed descriptions, surveys, plans, drawings construction plans, photographs, color chips, material samples, and/or other information such as height, length, kind, shape, location, or nature which is appropriate for the submittal. The AAC reserves the right to request additional information and may postpone action until all necessary materials have been submitted. The AAC will contact you in writing to request additional information.
• Submission. Two copies of the exhibits should be submitted to the address stated in the introduction of these Guidelines. Please keep a copy of the exhibits for your personal files as the submittal copies will not be returned to you. Don't forget to include your name and address on the submittal.
Approval by the Committee. The AAC must act on the submittal within 30 days after receipt of all materials required, unless such time is extended by written notification. The decision of the AAC will be in writing and sent by mail to the address on the plans submitted. If the decision is to disapprove or impose a condition on the proposed improvement, the reason(s) shall be go stated. ON‑SITE PERSONNEL OF THE BUILDER (E.G. SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CONSTRUCTION STAFF) DO NOT HAVE AUTHORITY TO APPROVE AAC ITEMS.
Right of Appeal. The Applicant may appeal any decision of the AAC to the Executive Board within 30 days of the Applicant's receipt of disapproval or conditional approval by sending a written request for appeal to the Management Company. The Executive Board has 30 days in which to respond to the request for appeal and to hold a hearing regarding same. The Applicant will be notified in writing not less than 5 days in advance as to the time and place of a hearing.
Completion of Work. After approval of an improvement is received, the Applicant should pursue timely and diligent completion of the work. Any improvement not completed within 12 months of approval may require resubmission and is subject to denial at that time. The Association may also notify the Applicant in writing of the non‑compliance and require the Applicant to take action to remedy the non‑compliance.
NOTE: Any improvement not included in this list will require approval!
1. Advertising. See Signs.
2. Additions and Expansions. Additions and expansions altering the exterior of any property will require submissions of detailed plans, specifications, and location on the lot. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation.)
3. Address Numbers. AAC approval is not required if size is no larger than 6" in height or width.
4. Air Conditioning. No types of exterior refrigerating, cooling, or heating apparatus other than those originally installed by the Developer shall be permitted, except for ground mounted air conditioning units located in the back yard, behind a solid fence. Roof mounted evaporative coolers and window‑mounted air conditioning units are specifically prohibited.
5. Antennas. No exterior aerials or antenna are permitted, except small (less than 39" in diameter) DSS or satellite dishes. Other types of equipment may be permitted but plans must be submitted and approved by the AAC prior to installation (SPECIAL NOTE: Any equipment other than the DSS type dish must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation). However, as technology changes, other types of equipment may be considered by the AAC provided the equipment is of a sufficiently small size or minimal appearance.
6. Awnings. Metal and plastic awnings are not permitted. Prior approval for cloth awnings is not required provided they are compatible in color scheme with the color of the house and kept in good condition. Any other materials must be submitted and approved prior to installation.
7. Basketball Hoops. AAC approval is not required if the backboard is mounted on the garage with both backboard and support structures painted to match the existing color scheme of the residence. Front and back yard installation of permanent hoops will be considered on an individual basis (SPECIAL NOTE: Backyard installations must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation).
Movable/portable hoops must be kept off streets and sidewalks for safety reasons, but are allowed to be stored on the driveway if they are maintained in good condition. If the hoop, the backboard or the net deteriorates to the point of objection, solely determined by the Board of Directors, the Association can require that the owner repair the hoop to bring it back to acceptable condition, or it must be stored in the garage or behind the fence so it is not visible from the street.
8. Birdhouses/Birdfeeders. Prior AAC approval is not required provided that the birdfeeder does not exceed 1 foot by 2 feet, and no more than one is installed on the property. A birdhouse/birdfeeder mounted on a pole may only be installed in the back yard. Birdhouses/birdfeeders are allowed at a maximum height of 6 feet unless hung in a tree.
9. Boats. See Vehicular Parking.
10. Campers. See Vehicular Parking.
11. Clotheslines. Permanent clotheslines and drying yards are not permitted; retractable clotheslines are permitted provided that clothing or other articles are removed promptly, and the clothesline retracted. Under no circumstances are clothing/wet articles to be left hanging overnight.
12. Decks. Deck installation by owner or owner's contractor must be approved by the AAC. Decks must be wood or other material similar to the material of the residence and painted or stained a similar or generally accepted complementary color to the residence. The deck must be installed as an integral part of the residence and patio area, and must be located so as not to greatly obstruct or diminish the view of adjacent property owners.
a) Construction of decks over sloped areas is discouraged and may require that open areas be closed from view. Any deck higher than 6 feet from ground level requires prior approval. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation.).
13. Deck Covers. All deck covers require AAC approval. Must be wood or other material similar to the material of the residence, and painted or stained a similar or generally accepted complementary color to the residence. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgment from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation).
14. Decorations. All holiday decorations and/or lighting attached or installed on the property shall not be put up more than 30 days prior to the holiday and must be removed within 30 days following the holiday.
15. Dog Houses. AAC approval is not required if the house is placed in the back yard, behind a fence, maximum size does not exceed 48 inches high, 48 inches wide, or 48 inches in depth, and colors and materials match the residence, including roof shingles. All others require AAC approval.
16. Dog Runs. Dog runs require AAC approval. Chain link dog runs are not permitted. Suggested materials are open rail fencing with weld wire, privacy fencing using a 9 shadow box" design or spaced picket design. If a dog run is contiguous w t the back of the home forward, a 6' privacy fence must be installed so that the dog run is not visible from the street or adjacent properties.
17. Doors (Screen, Storm, Security). AAC approval is not required for the addition of screen or other type door to a home if the material matches or is substantially similar to existing doors on the house, and if the color is generally accepted as a complementary color to that of the existing doors. Bronze, black, or white doors are recommended. Unpainted aluminum doors are not permitted.
18. Drainage. There shall be no interference with the established drainage pattern over any property within the community area, except as approved in writing by the AAC. Approval shall not be granted unless provision is made for adequate alternate drainage. The "established drainage pattern" shall mean the drainage pattern which exists at the time the overall grading of any property is completed, and shall include any established drainage pattern shown on any plans approved by the AAC.
19. Driveways. Any extension, expansion, or widening of driveways requires AAC approval. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation).
20. Exterior Lighting. See Lights and Lighting.
21. Fences.
a) Pre‑approved fencing: 1)natural wood privacy fence, minimum 3" wide picket, maximum 72" height, 2)natural wood open‑rail fencing which matches community fencing. All other fencing styles or materials require prior AAC approval.
b) Metal fencing or painted fencing of any type is not permitted.
c) Perimeter privacy fences are the responsibility of each lot owner adjacent to the fence. If a fence, or portion thereof, is located on the common lot line separating two or more adjoining lots, then the owners of such adjoining lots shall be responsible for repairing and maintaining such owner's proportionate ownership of such common area fence. If a fence, or portion thereof, is located on a lot line separating a lot from an adjoining public right‑of‑way, street, green belt area or other property which is not an adjoining lot, then the owner of such lot shall be responsible for repairing and maintaining such fence, or portion thereof in a reasonably attractive condition.
d) Anyone wishing to build a different style fence on his/her lot inside the existing community fence must submit a plan for approval. The areas between the community fencing and an interior fence will remain the sole obligation of the lot owner for maintenance. The AAC specifically reserves the right to deny approval for any secondary fence based on aesthetic concerns of the area.
22. Flags and Flagpoles. Bracket holders are permitted on the home. The American flag or Colorado flag may be displayed at any time provided that is does not exceed 3 feet by 4 feet. All other flags or banners must have prior AAC approval, including free-standing flag poles.
23. Garage Sales. Garage sales are permitted, however, you are encouraged to join with other neighbors and hold multi‑family garage sales at less frequent intervals in order to reduce the amount of traffic and congestion which can occur. Homeowners are responsible for removal of all advertising displays.
24. Gardens ‑ Flower. AAC approval is not required so long as the garden is in conformity with the landscaping plans as shown in the attached illustrations. Gardens of all kinds must be weeded, cared for, and carefully maintained.
25. Gardens ‑ Vegetables. AAC approval is not required so long as the garden is located in the rear or side yard of the home, and is installed so that it does not adversely impact adjacent property owners. Gardens of all kinds must be weeded, cared for, and carefully maintained.
26. Gazebos. Gazebos must have approval from AAC.
27. Grading/Grading Changes. See Drainage.
28. Greenhouses. Separate greenhouses must meet the same size and setback specifications as sheds, and will require AAC approval. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgment from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation). Greenhouse windows are permitted so long as they do not protrude further than 6" from the surface of the home.
29. Hot Tubs/Sauna. AAC approval is required for any exterior installation of a hot tub, sauna, or other type of spa equipment. It must be an integral part of a deck or patio area, and installed in such a way that it is not immediately visible to or will adversely impact adjacent neighbors by noise, drainage, or other such problems. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation).
30. Irrigation Systems. Automatic irrigation systems will not require approval from the AAC so long as they do not encroach on or into the Common Area of the Association.
31. Landscaping. Landscaping may be installed without prior approval of the AAC if it is substantially in conformance with the attached illustrations. Xeriscape materials are encouraged within the landscape plan. However, any lot on which full xeriscape is contemplated must be submitted for prior AAC approval. Installations which differ significantly from the attached illustration must also be submitted for prior ARC approval. Any additions to the landscaping which are not plant material or ground cover, such as yard "art", planters, statuary, signage, benches, etc. must have prior approval.
a) The AAC strongly encourages owners to consider views from adjacent lots when installing any landscaping, component taller than a 72" fence. This would include trees, tall shrubs, and natural screening materials of any kind. Respect and courtesy for your neighbor is important!!
b) FRONT YARD LANDSCAPING MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 6 MONTHS FROM CLOSING DATE, BACKYARD WITHIN I YEAR (SUBJECT TO WINTER CONTINGENCIES). For purposes of determining winter contingencies, the landscape season shall be considered to begin April 1st and continue through October 31st. Homeowners are responsible for weed control on property that is not landscaped.
c) Landscaped areas shall be kept in a neat and attractive condition, which includes periodic and horticulturally correct watering, fertilizing, trimming, pruning, weed control, and replacement of materials as needed. Consider tow water plant materials nearer to the home, and locate them an appropriate distance to avoid water near the foundation.
32. Latticework. AAC approval is required for all latticework in front yard, and for lattice over fence line.
33. Lights and Lighting (Exterior). AAC approval is not required for exterior lighting if it is in accordance with the following guidelines: (1) Conservative in design and as small in size as reasonably practical, (2) directed down and towards the house with minimized wattage to avoid glare sources to neighboring properties, (3) walkway lighting must be directed towards the ground, (4) fixtures should be dark colored to be less obtrusive. Variances from these guidelines will require prior AAC approval.
34. Maintenance of Property. No property within the Association shall be permitted to fall into disrepair and shall be kept in a clean, safe, attractive condition. Violation of this provision by an owner shall permit the Association, after Notice and Hearing, to enter on the privately owned site to cure the violation or cause compliance with this provision and to levy and collect a Reimbursement Assessment for the costs and expenses of the Association. There shall be no entry into the interior of an Improvement intended for human occupancy without the express consent of the owner thereof, unless a clear emergency exists.
35. Mailboxes. Mailboxes to be positioned per U.S. Post Office regulations. The preferred style of post is 4"x4" cedar.
36. Motor Homes. See Vehicular Parking.
37. Painting. Repainting with the same colors as were originally installed on the home does not require AAC approval. New colors will require AAC approval. The submission must include sample color chips of not less than 18"x1 8", the brand name of the paint, and the written agreement of neighbors to the side, rear and front.
38. Patios (open). See Additions/Expansions and Decks.
39. Patio Covers/Enclosures. Prior AAC approval is required. (See Deck Covers)
40. Pets. No animals, livestock, pigs, birds, poultry, reptiles, or insects of any kind shall be raised, bred, kept or boarded in or on the Units; provided however, the owner may keep not more than three (3) domestic animals.
41. Play Equipment/Sports Equipment. Any structures such as swingsets, play structures, climbable equipment, trampolines, forts, playhouses, etc. which will exceed 6 feet in height require prior AAC approval. All such structures must be placed in the backyard. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgment from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation if the structure will exceed 6 feet in height).
42. Recreational Vehicles. See Vehicular Parking.
43. Security Bars/Windows. AAC approval is required. Bars should match vertical and horizontal mullions of existing windows and doors. Excessive filigree is discouraged. The color of window security equipment shall match the window frames and mullion bars.
44. Sheds. Storage sheds must have prior AAC approval. The following criteria are general guidelines for submission: (1) Maximum size 65 square feet, (2) maximum height not to exceed 6 feet above ground level, (3) be set back ten feet or more from the rear Property line of the applicable Unit, and (4) be constructed of same materials as the residence, painted the same color and maintained equally as the residence. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgement from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation.).
45. Siding. Any change to siding from what was originally installed by the builder of the unit must have prior AAC approval.
46. Signs. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view without the approval of the AAC, provided, however, that signs which do not exceed 6 square feet and 6 feet in height may be displayed on the lot advertising the residence for sale or tease. No flashing or moving signs shall be permitted. Open House signs are permitted only during the hours of the open house. Signs may NOT be attached to community fencing or placed on common area at any time without the express written permission of the AAC.
47. Skylights. The addition of a skylight to a residence must have prior AAC approval.
48. Solar Energy Devices. Solar energy devices are not permitted unless they are integral to the initial construction of the residence, and have prior AAC approval.
49. Swamp Coolers/Evaporative Coolers. No exterior installation of swamp coolers or evaporative coolers is permitted unless they are to be installed on the ground or below fence level. AAC approval will be required.
50. Swimming Pools. All types of swimming pools, whether aboveground or in‑ground require prior AAC approval. (SPECIAL NOTE: This submission must include written acknowledgment from all immediately adjacent neighbors agreeing to this installation.). Temporary wading pool acceptable.
51. Swing sets. See Play/Sports Equipment.
52. Temporary Structures. No shack, temporary structure, temporary building, or outbuilding shall be placed on any lot without prior AAC approval.
53. Trampolines. See Play/Sports Equipment.
54. Trailers. See Vehicular Parking.
55. Unsightly Articles. No unsightly articles shall be permitted to remain on any Lot so as to be visible from adjoining property or public or private thoroughfares. All unsightly conditions, structures, facilities, equipment, objects and conditions shall be enclosed within a structure, except when in use. This includes but is not limited to snow removal equipment, garden or maintenance equipment. Landscape or building materials, such as pallets of sod, rock mulch, bark mulch, timbers, etc. must be placed in their final location as soon as reasonably possible, and not left on the street, driveway, or otherwise visible to pedestrian or vehicle traffic.
56. Vehicles‑Abandoned/Inoperable. No abandoned or inoperable vehicles of any kind shall be stored or parked within the Association boundaries except in garage, designated parking or storage areas, if any exist, or on such privately owned sites, or except in the case of clear emergencies. An abandoned or inoperable vehicle shall be defined as any automobile, truck, motorcycle, van trailer, house trailer, camper, recreational vehicle or vehicle for carrying passengers, goods or equipment which has not been driven under its own propulsion for 72 hours or longer, or which does not have an operable propulsion system, or which does not bear current license from an appropriate agency. If the Association determines that a vehicle is abandoned or inoperable, a written notice shall be delivered to the owner of the vehicle, if the owner can reasonable be determined, or placed on a conspicuous place on the vehicle if ownership is unknown and cannot be reasonably obtained. If the abandoned or inoperable vehicle is not removed within 72 hours after the notice is delivered or after place on the vehicle, the Association shall have the right to request or carry out removal and storage of the vehicle at the sole expense of the owner.
a) Any vehicle belonging to an owner who is ill or out of town on a short‑term basis shall not be considered abandoned.
57. Vehicular Parking/Storage/Repairs. Commercial vehicles, house trailers, campers camping trailers, boat trailers, horse trailers, boats, hauling trailers of any nature, trucks larger than 3/4 ton, self‑contained motorized recreational vehicles ("RV"), snowmobiles, jet‑skis, or other recreational vehicles, or any accessories to any of the above, are not permitted to be parked for more than 24 hours on any lot or street within the Association boundaries, and may be parked only for the purposes of loading, unloading, or otherwise preparing the vehicle equipment for the use or storage. Vehicles/equipment may be stored in the garage or behind fence provided that the height does not exceed 6'.
58. Vehicle Maintenance/Repair. No extended vehicular maintenance and/or repair is permitted in open‑view, provided however minor activities such as cleaning, washing, waxing, or similar activities may take place as long as they do not exceed a 24 hour period. Any other types of owner‑performed maintenance or repair must be conducted within the confines of the garage and secured from view. It is the owner's responsibility to make sure disposal of any debris or fluids is properly conducted.
59. Walls‑Landscaping/Retaining. Prior AAC approval is required. Submittals will need to include a detailed design of any wall to be built. Any wall in excess of 36" is structural in nature and all engineer's certification must accompany the submittal.
60. Wind Generators/Turbines. No wind generators, wind turbines, or similar equipment is permitted.
The Association has the right to assess fines for violations of covenants, rules, or regulations. The general violation policy is as follows:
First written notification of the nature of the violation‑no monetary fine.
30 days after first notification ‑ second written notification of the same unresolved violation includes $25.00 fine.
30 days after second notification ‑ third written notification of the same unresolved violation includes $50.00 fine.
15 days after third notification ‑ subsequent action regarding the same unresolved violation may result in suspension of use of facilities, additional monetary fines, property liens, and/or other legal action. All costs associated with enforcement of policies are assessed against the property. In the event of successful legal action, perfection of liens, and/or litigation which has been commenced by the Association, all costs associated with the action shall also be assessed against the property.
SPECIAL NOTE: Infractions involving recreational vehicle parking, or other violations of an unusual nature, in the sole discretion of the Executive Board, are subject to immediate enforcement without additional written notice.
Cambridge Farm will maintain surrounding limited common area and the monument sign. These areas are designated as tracts on the recorded plats of subdivisions and are owned by the Association. Maintenance obligations include:
• watering, mowing, edging, fertilizing, pruning, and clean‑up in common areas
• periodic mowing, clean‑up, removal of debris of common areas
• repair and replacement of damaged fences (normal wear & tear) which are adjacent to the common areas
• curb‑side pickup of household trash
Cambridge Farm is NOT responsible for the following:
• no snow removal on streets ‑ this is the responsibility of the City of Westminster
• no maintenance on any homes ‑ this is the responsibility of each individual owner
• generally, no adjudication of individual problems between neighbors
We hope this booklet is helpful and informative. We look forward to having you active in the Association and appreciate your cooperation and compliance with these guidelines. Again, we encourage you to call should you have questions, concerns or need further information.
April 1999